Always , Student Resources are always.


If you have any suggestions for useful links or if you find one here that is no longer active, please let me know with an e-mail from my homepage


How to type accents on the computer in French, Spanish, and other languages

Accord, a systematic self-help study guide for students of French

Prononciation: Au secours!!
Dr. Chesnut's pronunciation Power Point for beginning French students

Basic Advice on how to study a foreign language

Currency Converter

English/French Bilingual Dictionary 

Dictionnaire de Synonymes

Dictionnaire Français Hachette

Guide pour la rédaction des textes
Guide for revisions, SPAN 1001

Instructions for recording on tape and saving sound files in the language lab

Lab Credit Review Request

Language Lab Homepage

Looking for Extra Credit?

French & Multicultural links
(Stewart Library)


My Grades

Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links: an immense compendium of resources