Guide for revision of compositions (español 1001):


Using this glossary, identify and correct the underlined words or expressions as necessary for the revision of your composition.  Then, turn in the new one with the draft attached for credit.*


Ac - acuerdo: agreement between noun and adjective, article and noun, subject and verb, etc.


Adj - adjetivo : problem with an adjective – missing, wrong one, etc.


Adv - adverbio : problem with an adverb – missing, wrong one, etc.                                  


Art - artículo: usage of the article; definite/indefinite, etc.


C - Cosa escojida: I question your choice of words.


Conj. – Conjunción: problem or missing conjunction.


D - Diccionario: (re) look up your word or expression in the dictionary, for you have perhaps used an Anglicism or made the wrong choice of the possibilities given.


Exp - Expresión: There is a specific expression in Spanish for this word or idea.


F - Forma: There’s a problem with the form of the text: lines, paragraph, etc.


G - Gramática: You have overlooked a grammatical rule or principle.


H – You need to “Hispanicize” this: it looks like English in one way or another.


O - Ortografía: the proper spelling makes EVERYBODY happy!


P - Puntuación: accents, question or exclamation marks, etc.


Prep - Preposición you have omitted or misused a preposition. 


Pron. – Pronombre:  Check the type and choice of pronouns here.


S - Sintaxis: the function and distribution of words in a sentence – i.e. word order.


T - Tiempo: has to do with your choice of verb tense (past/present, present progressive, etc.).


U – Uso: a problem of usage; a problem word, expression, etc.


V - Verbo: missed conjugation, choice of tense, auxiliary verb, etc.


? – No comprendo: I don’t understand.


Ù - Omisión: You have omitted something.


* Note: To get credit on the draft, you must turn it in on time. To get credit for the revision, you must have turned in the draft on time. No credit will be offered for drafts turned in at revision time.