University of North Georgia

CIS 2201 - Computer Information Systems – Online

Syllabus Fall 2022


It is your responsibility to read this entire syllabus.




Instructor’s Name:      Penelope Lyman

Email Address:  

Web Site:           


Office Hours Virtual (Teams) or F2F:

Re Teams: Open Teams and click on the Calls tab. Type my name in the Search box and initiate a call during office hours.

  M 1:00pm – 2:30pm

F2F Oconee Room 592 SRC

  W 12:00pm – 1:30pm

F2F Oconee Room 592 SRC

  R 11:00am – 2:00pm

Virtual (Teams) only


Email is the official tool for contacting me during the semester. 

Email policies for this class are as follows:

·        Students are required to use their school email account for all communications.

·        Students are expected to check their email accounts on a daily basis.

·        Do NOT use the eLearning email tool in D2L to send me emails.

·        Please include your name in the email and 2201 in the subject line.

·        UNG Netiquette expectations (the tone and civility of emails) may be viewed at

·        I will respond to your emails within 24 hours of receipt EXCEPT on holidays.  If I don’t respond, assume that your email was eaten by cyberspace.  Please resubmit.

Course Description

An introductory course including a study of basic computer concepts, management information systems, data and file processing, systems analysis, the hardware and software available for meeting information systems needs, computer privacy and security, and the various types of information systems. Students will gain extensive hands-on microcomputer experience applying spreadsheet, database management, and word processing software to solve information problems. Prerequisite: MATH 1001, MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1113, or MATH 1450, with a grade of C or higher.

Important Dates:


Drop/Add Period Ends:  Full Session: Aug 26


Mandatory Attendance Quiz and Introduction Discussion: Aug 29, 11:59 p.m.


Labor Day Holiday:  Sep 5, Monday


Last Day to Withdraw Without Academic Penalty:  Full Session: Oct 14


Thanksgiving Break:  Nov 21-25


Classes End:  Dec 9


Final Exam Due Date/Time via ProctorU or an Authorized Testing Center:  Dec 15, Thursday, 1:00pm (Final Exam will be available starting Dec 14, Wednesday, 1:00pm)


I make every effort to make sure the dates above are accurate.  However, the dates above are subject to the schedules and calendars posted online at the University of North Georgia (UNG) website. Academic Calendar 


It is the student’s responsibility to verify these dates as they could be subject to change.


Changes to the Syllabus:


I reserve the right to change the syllabus, including assignments and exams, with prior notice communicated by email to the class.




Both books below are required for the class.  NOTE!! Not having your book is not an acceptable excuse for failure to submit an assignment.

  1. PEARSON product:
    MyITLab for exploring Office 2016 with eText, Poatsy, Office Suite Inclusive Access via D2L. ISBN: 9780134455877

Pearson customer support:

o   Opt-in (PLEASE choose to “opt-in” for the Pearson MyITLab product.)

Ø  Click on the Vital Source Inclusive Access link on the eLearning (D2L) CIS 2201 course Homepage. Click the VitalSource Digital Books link. Then, click the Launch Courseware button.

Ø  You do not need an access code when you “opt-in” with Inclusive Access.

Ø  Opting-in will ensure that your Pearson gradebook will sync to the D2L gradebook.

o   Opt-out (please do not choose this option)

Ø  If you opt-out of Inclusive Access for MyITLab (NOT recommended!), you have a grace period until August 26 to opt back in again.

Ø  If you wish to remain opted-out of Inclusive Access for MyLab, please contact me.

o   See Inclusive Access Register Pearson Cengage Instructions link in D2L under Course Information for directions on how to access your MyLab assignments when you opt-in.


2.     CENGAGE product: (please read all three options before you do anything)
Discovering Computers, 2018
(Complete Edition), Vermaat, Sebok, Freund, Campbell, Frydenberg; ITP, Pub 2018; ISBN13: 978-1-337-28510-0

o   Option 1: If you already purchased a Cengage Unlimited access code this semester, you will have access to the Cengage catalog for the period of time you elected. Therefore, you will NOT need to opt-in for Discovering Computers, 2018. You can log into the Cengage student dashboard at and search for Discovering Computers, 2018 to have it added to your dashboard. Note: If you already purchased Cengage Unlimited, click on the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link and opt-out under Discovering Computers, 2018.

o   Option 2: If you have not purchased Cengage Unlimited this semester, then you may “opt-in” to Inclusive Access by clicking on the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link and clicking the Read Now button under Discovering Computers on the left.

o   Option 3: Access to Discovering Computers, 2018 may be purchased through a third party vendor (e.g. Amazon or the publisher). If you adopt this option, click on the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link and opt-out under Discovering Computers, 2018.
Publisher link for book rental or ebook (see Textbook/ebook tab):


Contact Cengage Customer Support for assistance 800-354-9706 or (24/7)


Request UNG Student Webspace (free) at



Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential in business and society. Identify basic concepts associated with computers, mobile devices, the Internet, programs, security, and digital safety,


Develop basic information systems, word processing, spreadsheet, Internet, and database software into one logical business-based educational experience.


Successfully complete exercises, lab assignments, and interactive learning activities that teach students through use of the computer, mobile devices, and the Internet.

Note: Weekly learning objectives that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives above may be viewed at or opened from the Content tab in eLearning under the Course Information topic.


Course Policies:



·        Online students are not required to attend classes on campus. However, you MUST take the Final Exam via ProctorU or an Authorized UNG Testing Center. Both options require a fee. It is a REQUIREMENT of all online courses at UNG to have a proctored activity worth a minimum of 10% of the course grade. Your CIS 2201 Final Exam is that proctored activity. The final exam will NOT be open-book. You must have two picture IDs to take the final exam with ProctorU (e.g. UNG ID and valid driver’s license) and at least one picture ID to take the final exam with an Authorized Testing Center; your ID(s) will be checked before you are allowed to take the final exam. You must have a working webcam to take the final exam with ProctorU. More information about the final exam is described in 7D below.

·        CIS 2201 is an activities-based course; students are required to fully participate in all projects, simulations and exams.

·        If a student has not completed at least 60% of all assignments due by the withdrawal date, the student may be administratively withdrawn from the class.

·        All work submitted for this course must be completed without outside support or resources unless specifically allowed by the instructor. Work submitted must be completed by the enrolled student alone in order to receive credit.


No-Show Policy

·        UNG undergraduate online courses will now have a mandatory attendance quiz and introduction discussion.

o   These activities will be accessible the first day of class.

o   These activities will act as the standard roll verification instrument for all undergraduate online courses.

o   All students must complete the Mandatory Attendance Quiz and Introduction Discussion within 72 hours after the end of the drop/add period–submission deadline: (11:59 p.m. August 29).

o   Students who do not complete BOTH the Mandatory Attendance Quiz and Introduction Discussion Post will be reported as absent during roll verification and will be withdrawn from the course (receiving a W).


Course Withdrawal Policy

·        Students withdrawing from the class prior to the midpoint date will receive a grade of "W".  Students withdrawing from the class after the midpoint date will receive a grade of "WF".  It is the student's responsibility to properly withdraw from a course.

·        To drop a course during drop/add or to withdraw from courses, a student should click on the "Course Add, Drop, or Withdraw" link on Banner Web. Log in to Banner | Click on the Student Tab | Choose Nighthawk Course Scheduler | Select Register for a Course Add, Drop, or Withdraw | Select Term | There will be a dropdown option beside the course you wish to drop or withdraw from. Use it to select Drop or Withdraw by student | Click Submit changes.
Note: When Learning Support (LS) AKA Student Accessibility Services (SAS) students wish to withdraw from an LS course using Banner, they should consult with the LS department coordinator/advisor.


Technology Requirements

·        Hardware Requirements – You must have continuous access to a RELIABLE computer with high-speed Internet access (Broadband/DSL) and a working webcam. Students who work at home are responsible for their own Internet connection. No excuses will be accepted for not meeting exam or assignment deadlines due to home computer hardware or software problems and/or Internet connection problems. Develop a backup plan and test it for hardware, software, or Internet connection problems.


You should have received the following hardware email:

It is critical all MCCB students have access to a laptop computer since some required software may not work on cell phones, tablets or Chromebooks. If you are purchasing a computer, the recommended and minimum computer requirements are located on the UNG website at this link: Contact the financial aid office to find out if your aid package or scholarship may be used to make this purchase. The Department of Information Technology has a limited number of laptops students may check out. Contact IT for more information.


·        Software Requirements:

a.   This class requires the use of Windows 10 Operating System, MS Office 2016 and Dreamweaver Creative Cloud. Assignment instructions are written for Windows 10, Microsoft Office 2016, and Dreamweaver Creative Cloud. You don’t have to buy any software.

b.   This class requires the use of Pearson’s MyLab software platform available with D2L’s Vital Source Inclusive Access. The MyLab software platform should only be accessed through the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link.

·        The first project is written exclusively for the MS Windows 10 operating system software. Project 1 is NOT a MyLab project. Directions and submissions for Project 1 are in D2L. See Start Here in D2L for precise instructions to access and submit Project 1.

·        All software and hardware requirements for this course are available in the UNG campus computer labs or via the UNG Virtual Lab (vlab) which you can access from home. However, if there is an emergency (e.g. the pandemic worsens), and the campus is closed, per the hardware requirements, you MUST have access to a laptop/PC with a reliable Internet connection to complete your assignments.

·        The UNG IT department has modified the required software installed on UNG computers. If you have the necessary hardware outlined above AND you are working from home, you may access the UNG software via the UNG Virtual Lab using a Chrome or Firefox Web browser. All lab projects should be completed using either UNG campus computers or via your home computer using the UNG Virtual Lab.

a.     The UNG Virtual Lab allows you to access a “virtual” computer in the UNG Virtual Lab using your home computer and an Internet connection. Once you access the Virtual Lab via a Web browser, you will be able to run any application from the UNG Menu (including Microsoft Office 2016, Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Cloud, and Adobe Acrobat). You should also be able to save your class documents to your UNG network home folder (P: drive). Note: Both Mac and PC users may use the vlab to access required software.

b.     The Virtual Lab may be accessed via a web browser (Firefox or Chrome work best) as follows:

o   Go to

o   Click on the right option (VMware Horizon View HTML Access)

o   Enter your login information, including 2FA.

o   Click the “Accept” button in green. 

o   Click the Virtual Lab link square on the left.

o   Wait. The UNG virtual desktop should open.


(FYI Most students use the web browser option shown above.)


c.      FYI Alternatively, the full client version of the Virtual Lab may also be installed on your computer (rather than accessed via a web browser). Note: This option is not usually adopted.

o   If you prefer this option or have trouble opening the Virtual Lab via a web browser, go to Scroll down and click on “Download Client” under Virtual Lab Links. Select the Client version from the menu that matches your computer configuration. (I also created a link on the eLearning homepage to access the Virtual Lab install startup webpage instructions.)

o   The installed version of the Virtual Lab is available for Windows and for Mac users. The tutorial will tell you explicitly how to install the Virtual Lab software and how to access UNG’s Virtual Lab once the software is installed.


d.     Depending on your computer's settings, there are sometimes little glitches that can only be resolved with the help of Lance Hundt, the Virtual Lab coordinator at 


Deadline Policy:

ASSIGNMENTS (Projects, Simulations, Exams) NOT TURNED IN ON TIME WILL RECEIVE A ZERO.  Unless, you have been excused by UNG for documented health reason, there are no exceptions to this rule.  There are no makeups.  Technology failure or lack of a textbook are not acceptable excuses for failure to submit an assignment on time. Don’t procrastinate! Don’t wait until the last minute to begin an assignment or start an exam. All projects, simulations and exams must be completed and uploaded to eLearning according to the Assignment Sheet by 1:00pm every Thursday afternoon (except the mandatory quiz and discussion for attendance verification which are due by August 29, 11:59pm).


Assignment Sheet:

All graded work has due dates listed on the Assignment Sheet at the end of this syllabus.  You should use the Assignment Sheet to make sure you submit all course work ON TIME.



Your final grade is based on your performance on Exams, Simulations, Projects, and the Final Exam.


Grades will be based on the following:


11 exams @50


550 points

12 MyITLab Simulations (SIM)


SIM 1 Windows



SIM 2 Word Chapter 1



SIM 3 Word Chapter 2



SIM 4 Word Chapter 3



SIM 5 PowerPoint Chapter 1



SIM 6 PowerPoint Chapter 2



SIM 7 Excel Chapter 1



SIM 8 Excel Chapter 2



SIM 9 Excel Chapter 3



SIM 10 Access Chapter 1



SIM 11 Access Chapter 2



SIM 12 Access Chapter 3


184 points

14 lab projects



Project 1 Windows (not MyITLab)



Projects 2-12 (11 total) MyITLab @30



Project 13 Dreamweaver CC-2 Chapter 1 (not MyITLab)



Project 14 Dreamweaver CC-2 Chapter 2 (not MyITLab)


390 points




Final exam (ProctorU or UNG Authorized Testing Center)


150 points




Total points possible


1274 points


The scale is:  90%=A, 80%=B, 70%=C, 60%=D, <60=F detailed as follows:







1146-1274 points



1019-1145 points



891-1018 points



764-890 points



<764 points

Please note: An 89% is NOT an A; a 79% is NOT a B; a 69% is NOT a C, and a 59% is NOT a D.  Your grade is based on the total number of points you earned as outlined above.  There are no non-academic influences on final grades.  There is NO extra credit.  Grades are posted promptly to eLearning’s (D2L) gradebook (Grades).  Instructor/software upload errors are subject to correction.


I reserve the right to consider an individual's course performance when assigning a final grade.


CIS 2201 course exams (not including the Mandatory Attendance Quiz) are based on materials in Discovering Computers 2018 text/eText. Exams must be taken in D2L by the scheduled times according to the Assignment Sheet at the end of this syllabus. Failure to take an exam will result in a zero for that exam. No excuses are accepted for failure to take an exam. Exams carry the most weight in points, so prioritizing exams is a recommended strategy.

Exams (except for the Final Exam) will become available in D2L a week prior to each exam deadline. All exams (except for the Final Exam) will have a deadline of Thursday at 1:00pm. Refer to your Assignment Sheet to determine when a specific exam is due.

I provided a Study Sheet for each exam, including the Final Exam. These Study Sheets may be accessed on the left-hand navigation section of the eLearning (D2L) homepage. Click on the Study Sheet link.

You should answer the Study Sheet questions for each exam BEFORE you attempt to take an exam in D2L. If you complete each Study Sheet and have it available before you begin taking an exam in D2L, you will not have any trouble completing the exam well within the time allotted.

Exams will be taken online in eLearning (D2L) from a computer that can reliably access eLearning.  (Firefox or Chrome browsers work the best with eLearning.) To access an exam:

Ø  Click on the “Exams” link on the left-hand navigation section of the homepage of eLearning (D2L) to access the exams available.

Ø  OR you can click on the "Content" link on the top navigation bar and scroll down to "Exams" which should list the available exams directly below.

Ø  OR you can click on the Quizzes link on the top navigation bar.

Note: Initially, you will only see Exam Module (Chapter) 1's exam, but it will not be available to take until September 1 per the Syllabus Assignment Sheet. Each week a new exam will be added.

o  The exams (not including the final exam) are open-book. 

o  Each exam will have 25 multiple choice questions worth two points each. 

o  Each exam will cover a module (chapter) from the Discovering Computers 2018 book as indicated on the Syllabus Assignment Sheet. 

o  There are 11 module (chapter) exams covering Module (Chapters) 1-11 (and a comprehensive Final Exam discussed below). 

o  You may only take an exam in D2L one time.

o  Questions on an individual exam in D2L will be delivered one at a time. 

o  You will have one chance to answer each question.  You may NOT revisit a question. 

o  Once you start the exam, you must finish it.

o  You will have 25 minutes to complete each module (chapter) exam (not including the final), so keep your eye on the ticking clock once you start the exam in D2L. Once the 25 minutes are up, you will not be able to answer any more questions. If the time for an exam expires before you are able to click the “Go To Submit Quiz" button, email me, and I will force submission for the questions you were able to complete. You should click the Save button BEFORE you click the Next Page button.

o  Be sure to click the “Go To Submit Quiz” button after you complete your exam in D2L. Just to be safe, click the Save All Responses button before you submit your quiz. 

o  Click the Submit Quiz button in the Quiz Submission Confirmation window to submit your quiz. 

o  It is YOUR responsibility to verify that the grade is accurate in the D2L gradebook BEFORE the due date.

Let me know immediately if you cannot view your grade in the eLearning gradebook after you submit an exam. You have one week after an exam's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that exam. Your first Exam is due by 1:00pm on September 8 per the assignment sheet. 

Technology happens, so don't wait until the last minute to take an exam in D2L.

B.     MyLab Simulations (SIMS)

Remember to see the “Start Here” link in D2L for detailed instructions on completing the assignments below.

In order to access the assigned MyLab SIMS, you must FIRST register with Pearson’s MyLab by clicking the Launch Courseware button after you click the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link.

Instructions for completing your MyLab SIMS are available in eLearning in the Content section under MyLab Simulations and Projects Instructions. Click on “Link to MyLab Simulation Instructions”. Read the MyLab Simulation Instructions BEFORE you start the MyLab Simulations.

In order to receive a grade for the MyLab SIMS, YOU MUST ACCESS THE SIMULATIONS VIA D2L’s Vital Source Inclusive Access link.

Per the MyLab Simulations Instructions, each MyLab SIM will provide video presentations of chapter material and interactive exercises that will assist you in completing your Projects. You should complete the MyLab SIM for a chapter BEFORE you attempt the Project for that same chapter. You should complete all of the lessons in a simulation BEFORE you submit it for grading in order to receive full credit. You may retake a simulation as often as you like BEFORE the submission date, after which you will not be able to access that week’s simulation again. All SIMs are available as of the first day of class, so you may work ahead if you wish.

MyLab SIMS must be submitted by the scheduled times according to the Assignment Sheet at the end of this syllabus. Failure to submit a MyLab SIM before the due date will result in a zero for that simulation. No excuses are accepted for failure to submit a MyLab Simulation. The due dates are available all semester, so plan ahead and don't wait until the last minute.

It is YOUR responsibility to check the eLearning (D2L) gradebook (Grades) to verify that your MyLab SIM score is correct after you successfully complete a SIM BEFORE the due date. You have one week after a SIM's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that SIM. Give the two platforms a few minutes to sync the grades.

The projects are your "hands on" computer assignments. The projects (except for the Windows 10 project (Project 1) and the Dreamweaver CC projects (Projects 13 and 14)) are based on Pearson’s MyLab software platform.

Projects 1, 13, and 14 (not MyLab):

Project 1 is NOT a MyLab project. I created Windows 10 Project 1 based on UNG’s Windows 10 operating system. Project 1’s instructions are available under the Lab Projects 1, 13, 14 link in eLearning (D2L). You must use a campus computer or the vlab to complete Lab Projects 1, 13, and 14.

The Dreamweaver projects (Projects 13 & 14) are NOT MyLab projects. The instructions for Projects 13 and 14 are available under the Lab Projects 1, 13, 14 link in eLearning and are based on YouTube Internet video lessons. Failure to adhere to the project modifications in my instructions as you follow the project videos will result in reduced points given for Projects 13 and 14. Again, you must use a campus computer or the vlab to complete Projects 1, 13, and 14.

The Dreamweaver CC projects (Projects 13 and 14) will also be hyperlinked to a homepage on the UNG student server. Successful student hyperlinks (web addresses) will be part of those projects' scores. You must request Webspace from UNG to set up your access to UNG’s student web server. Directions describing your request for Webspace may be found at the following link:

Projects 1, 13, and 14 must be submitted to the Assignments/Dropbox in eLearning (D2L) by the scheduled times according to the Assignment Sheet at the end of this syllabus. You can access the Assignments/Dropbox in D2L with the "Assignments" icon link on the top navigation bar, or you can access the Assignments/Dropbox link on the left-hand navigation section of the eLearning homepage (scroll down to the Assignments/Dropbox link). Projects 1, 13, and 14 may only be submitted once to the eLearning Assignments/Dropbox for each project. Multiple attempts for Projects 1, 13, and 14 are NOT permitted. Emailed project submissions are NOT accepted.

It is YOUR responsibility to check the D2L gradebook to verify that your D2L project score is correct after you successfully complete a D2L project (1,13,14) BEFORE the due date. You have one week after a project's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that project.

MyLab Projects 2-12:


The instructions for the MyLab Projects (Projects 2-12) are available in eLearning (D2L) in the Content section under MyLab Simulations and Projects Instructions. Click on “Link to MyLab Project Instructions.” You MUST read the MyLab Project Instructions BEFORE you begin MyLab Projects 2-12.

The MyLab Projects (Projects 2-12) must be accessed via the D2L Vital Source Inclusive Access link on the eLearning CIS 2201 course homepage. MyLab projects must be submitted by the scheduled times according to the Assignment Sheet at the end of this syllabus. You will be allowed 3 attempts for each MyLab Project, and you will be awarded the highest score for each project’s 3 attempts. Emailed project submissions are NOT accepted.

Failure to submit any project on time will result in a zero for that project.  No excuses are accepted for failure to submit a project on time.  The due dates are available all semester, so plan ahead and don't wait until the last minute. 


As mentioned under Course Policies above, work submitted must be completed by the enrolled student alone in order to receive credit.

It is YOUR responsibility to check the eLearning gradebook to verify that your MyLab project score is correct after you successfully complete a MyLab project BEFORE the due date. You have one week after a project's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that project.

The CIS 2201 Final Exam will be administered in eLearning (D2L).

·        The final exam is comprehensive over the 11 module (chapter) exams taken during the semester.

·        The final exam will have 100 multiple choice questions from the Discovering Computers 2018 textbook. There is a Final Exam Study Sheet available under the Study Sheets link on eLearning.

·        The final exam will NOT be open-book, and you will NOT be permitted any notes.

·        You will be given 60 minutes to complete the final exam.

·        You are not allowed to use any web browser (except the one to open eLearning). A Chrome browser is best.

·        You are not allowed a restroom break.

·        Like your other exams during the semester, you will have one chance to answer each question.  You may NOT revisit a question.

·        Once you start the exam, you must finish it.

·        The final exam date and time are shown on the Assignment Sheet AND at the beginning of this syllabus AND on the eLearning course homepage. Everyone in the class must take the Final Exam within the 24 hour window provided (Dec 14 1:00 pm – Dec 15 1:00pm).


It is a REQUIREMENT of all online courses at UNG to have a proctored activity worth a minimum of 10% of the course grade.  Your CIS 2201 FINAL EXAM is that proctored activity. YOU MUST TAKE THE FINAL EXAM.


The Final Exam will be proctored via ProctorU OR an Authorized UNG Testing Center. Both options require a fee.


The Online ProctorU option (for a fee):

·     You will need to register to take your Final Exam no less than 72 hours prior to the exam. If less than 72 hours it will cost more. Although you can set up an appointment at any time, the earlier you do so, the cheaper the cost. Also, earlier scheduling is better because ProctorU has a finite number of exam appointments available on each day; those will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Note: Since the final exam takes about an hour, the last opportunity to schedule an appointment to take the final exam with ProctorU will be Dec 15 at 11:30am.

·     ProctorU requires two forms of picture IDs for identification. Usually you can use your UNG student ID card and a driver's license. If you only have one picture ID, they will ask some personal questions obtained from an online public database in order to verify your identity.

·     Test your equipment prior to exam day. You can get an equipment check at, and you can chat live with support by clicking on the Need Help, Chat Now! button in the lower right corner. You MUST install the ProctorU Chrome extension to use with the Chrome browser in order to use ProctorU.

·     You should login to ProctorU at least 20 minutes before the final exam is scheduled to get set up.

·     You will need a RELIABLE Internet connection. A wired Internet connection is less likely to give you problems than a wireless connection.

·     You must have a working webcam in order to take the final exam with ProctorU. FYI Campus lab computers do not have webcams.

·     For more information about the ProctorU option see:


The Authorized UNG Testing Center Option (for a fee)—HIGHLY RECOMMENDED--BEST option, especially if your hardware or Internet connection is iffy:

·     You may schedule the final exam with an Authorized UNG Testing Center. Locations may be found at

·     UNG Testing Center information may be found at

·     You will have to schedule an appointment with the Testing Center to take the final exam within the 24 hour window the exam will be available. Be sure to check the Testing Center’s hours of operation. Appointment availability at all UNG Testing Centers is limited due to social distancing precautions and varies by campus location. The earlier you schedule, the better.

·     You are required to present your Photo I.D. at the testing center before you can take the final exam.

·     See the eLearning Proctored Activity widget (on the left of the homepage) for more information about the Testing Centers.


If for some reason, you do not take the FINAL EXAM within the 24 hour time period it is available, you will receive a zero for the Final Exam.



In addition to the MANDATORY eLearning discussion post (required for attendance verification), some additional optional discussion topics are available in the Discussions area. I encourage you to visit the websites listed for the topics and share your thoughts with the rest of the class.

During the semester, I will be sending critical thinking articles via email that are both current and germane to the class assignments. Feedback is welcome. Note: Website reader comments do not reflect my opinions or those of UNG.


Save your work often! Outages and error messages are hopefully infrequent, but they do happen. Unsaved work is lost!  It also would be a good idea to back up your work.





All students graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree within the Mike Cottrell College of Business (Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, Management and Marketing) will be required to complete the Professional Roadmap to Ongoing Success (PROS) Professional Development Program. Students will participate in a series of opportunities to gain experience for their resumes and build professional connections all in an effort to prepare them for their careers upon graduation. See the PROS website for more information:


PROS is a graduation requirement for BBA students. Get started today by downloading the app and navigating to "Achievements" to access the PROS badge.  Start working through the program beginning with the PROS introduction under the first milestone, Explore.


If you have any questions, please email or make an appointment. PROS must be completed at least 90 days prior to graduation.




UNG Supplemental Syllabus general requirements may be found at the following link:

The standards on this Web site are part of the expectations for the course and include the following topics:

·        Academic Success Plan Program

·        Students with Disabilities AKA Accessibility Services

·        Academic Integrity Policy

·        Disruptive Behavior Policy

·        Class Evaluations

·        Academic Exchange

·        Inclement Weather

·        Course Grades and Withdrawal Process


Student Support Services may be found at the following link:


Examples of links found on this site include

·        Tuition and Fees (Business Office)

·        Office of the Registrar

·        Registration and Reporting Guide

·        Academic Advisement Center

·        Academic Course Catalog

·        Bookstore

·        Current Students & Cadets Resources

·        Library Technology Center

·        Banner

·        Student Accessibility Services (AKA Learning Support)

·        Access to eLearning (D2L) online courses



Student Involvement Activities may be found at the following link:
Examples of links found on this site include:

·        Clubs and Organizations

·        Community Service

·        Leadership Programs

·        Student Government Association




CIS 2201 – Online Fall 2022


All exams, projects and exercises are due each Thursday by 1:00pm. No late submissions will be accepted.





Aug 25    1:00pm

No assignment due.

Read the syllabus.


Monday, AUGUST 29, 11:59pm or be administratively withdrawn


Sep 1       1:00pm

Sim (Simulation) 1 Windows 10 DUE (see MyLab)  26 points

Project 1 MS WINDOWS 10 (NOT based on MyLab–see D2L)  20 points


Sep 8       1:00pm

EXAM 1  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 1 (all exams in D2L)  50 points

Sim 2 Word MyLab Chapter 1  17 points

Project 2 MS Word MyLab Chapter 1  30 points


Sep 15    1:00pm

EXAM 2  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 2 in D2L  50 points

Sim 3 Word MyLab Chapter 2  15 points

Project 3 MS Word MyLab Chapter 2  30 points


Sep 22    1:00pm

EXAM 3  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 3 in D2L  50 points

Sim 4 Word MyLab Chapter 3  11 points

Project 4 MS Word MyLab Chapter 3  30 points


Sep 29    1:00pm

EXAM 4  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 4 in D2L  50 points

Sim 5 PowerPoint MyLab Chapter 1  16 points

Project 5 MS PowerPoint MyLab Chapter 1  30 points


Oct 6        1:00pm

EXAM 5  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 5 in D2L  50 points

Sim 6 PowerPoint MyLab Chapter 2  13 points

Project 6 MS PowerPoint MyLab Chapter 2  30 points


Oct 13     1:00pm

EXAM 6  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 6 in D2L  50 points

Sim 7 Excel MyLab Chapter 1  23 points

Project 7 MS Excel MyLab Chapter 1 30 points

October 14, Friday, LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW WITH A "W"


Oct 20     1:00pm

EXAM 7  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 7 in D2L  50 points

Sim 8 Excel MyLab Chapter 2  10 points

Project 8 MS Excel MyLab Chapter 2  30 points


Oct 27     1:00pm

EXAM 8  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 8 in D2L  50 points

Sim 9 Excel MyLab Chapter 3  12 points

Project 9 MS Excel MyLab Chapter 3  30 points


Nov 3       1:00pm

EXAM 9  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 9 in D2L  50 points

Sim 10 Access MyLab Chapter 1  14 points

Project 10 MS Access MyLab Chapter 1 30 points


Nov 10    1:00pm

EXAM 10  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 10 in D2L  50 points

Sim 11 Access MyLab Chapter 2  18 points

Project 11 MS Access MyLab Chapter 2 30 points


Nov 17    1:00pm

EXAM 11  labeled Exam Module (Chapter) 11 in D2L  50 points

Sim 12 Access MyLab Chapter 3  9 points

Project 12 MS Access MyLab Chapter 3 30 points

November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break


Dec 1       1:00pm

Project 13 Dreamweaver CC Lesson 1 (see D2L)  20 points

Note: No Simulation Training in MyITLab for Dreamweaver CC project


Dec 8       1:00pm

Project 14 Dreamweaver CC Lesson 2 (see D2L)  20 points

Note: No Simulation Training in MyITLab for Dreamweaver CC project


Dec 14 1pm-

Dec 15 1pm

Schedule your D2L Final Exam via ProctorU or an Authorized UNG Testing Center within the 24 hour time period: Dec 14 (Wed) 1:00pm – Dec 15 (Thurs) 1:00pm
Note: The final exam takes about an hour, so the last opportunity to make an appointment to take the final exam with ProctorU will be Dec 15 at 11:30 am.

This syllabus is subject to revision as deemed necessary by the instructor.  Please email me if you have questions regarding the syllabus.