CRJU 2001


Welcome to the central information page for CRJU 2001.  As always, if you have a question, please contact Dr. Downing.


The full detailed course requirements can be found here:  Course Syllabus

An outline of lecture topics for each exam can be found here: Lecture Outline (general, not the detailed class Powerpoints)


An example of a study aid can be found here:   Chart for Greek and Roman Cultures:  Click here


The extra credit assignment and study sheets

Study sheets and extra credit material for each exam is available on the corresponding link.  Each consists of 2-3 pages.  Remember you need to define the terms and answer the essay questions for BOTH the lecture and reading material for each exam.

               Exam 1                 Exam 2            Exam 3             Exam 4    

The definitions and answers must be complete.  Here is an example of acceptable and unacceptable answers:   Sample Extra Credit Answers

Remember, there is no partial credit on the extra credit.  You either do the work properly or you get no credit.


Some outside information (not on the exam).

Hammurabi's Code (translated)

The Twelve Tables of Roman Law (translated)

Assize of Clarendon




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Last Updated May 5, 2014 by Leo Downing