Civil Liberties & Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Affirmative Action
[web extra: timeline on affirmative action]

  • 14th Amendment + Brown = government must fight segregation
    • “You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains...and then say you are free to compete with all the others, and...believe you have been completely fair”  – Pres. Lyndon Johnson
  • Courts do not allow strict use of race, but do allow consideration...
  • Recent decisions support Bakke:
  • 2003 University of Michigan admissions cases:
  • 2013, 2016: Affirmative Action Revisited:
  • 2022: Affirmative Action struck down by Supreme Court
    • Students for Fair Admissions cases (Harvard & UNC)
    • Is Affirmative Action gone?

[web extra: Affirmative Action Milestones between Bakke and Bollinger]
[web extra: After Supreme Court axes affirmative action, Biden offers colleges tips on diversity]