Executive Agencies

Executive Agencies (or "the Bureaucracy")

  • Who cares?: Recall ch. 1--gov. role in our lives
  • Characteristics
    • Established structure (full-time, career)
    • Hierarchically organized (supervision)
    • Specialized tasks (div. of  labor, allocation)
    • Administers or establishes rules for governing




  • Annual cycle
    • March-June: Agency request to OMB
    • July-Sept.: OMB compiles requests
    • Oct.-Jan.: President prepares budget
    • February: President submits to Congress
  • Annual federal budget takes 2 years!
    • Prepared in Executive Branch
    • Legislated in Congress


  • Shared Control
    • President: White House Management
      • Propose creation and reorganization
      • Propose budget
    • Congress
      • Legislation: Create, Reorganize, Budget
      • Oversight: Review, Hearings, Budget