Federal Courts

The Federal Courts

  • Categories
    • Criminal (violating statutes)
    • Civil (settle disputes among individuals)
    • Public (power of government)
  • Precedent: “Stare decisis
  • Most laws/cases in states

“Lower” Courts

Supreme Court
[web extra: NewsHour, PBS, Supreme Court Watch]
[web extra: Supreme Court Historical Society]

  • Chief Justice and 8 associate justices
    [web extra: all past and present Supreme Court justices (PDF)]
  • Final appellate court
    • discretionary
  • Original court for US and foreign officials, states and the US
    • mandatory
  • Solicitor General of the US affects Court work


  • Presidential nomination list
  • Senatorial Courtesy
  • ABA ratings, FBI check
  • Senate confirmation
    • Judiciary Committee hearings and vote
    • Floor vote


Powers: Marbury v. Madison

  • Pre-election: 1800
  • Pres.: Adams
  • State: Marshall
  • Party: Federalists
  • 1789 Judiciary Act: appoint judges (e.g., Wm Marbury and John Marshall)
    [web extra: "Senate Debate on Marbury"]

  • Post-election: 1801
  • Pres.: Jefferson
  • State: Madison
  • Party: Republicans
  • Ignore “midnight appointments”

  • Marbury: Mandamus
  • Court (Marshall): NO!


  • Other powers
    • Interpretation
      • What does the law or Constitution mean to us...today
    • "Boundary Maintenance”
      • Can they do  that?
  • 98% of Supreme Court cases are appeals
  • Only 2% original


[see also Supreme Court Historical Society: How the Court Works]
[web extra: 2006 Supreme Court calendar (PDF)]
[video extra: oral argument example—C-SPAN, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004), requires RealPlayer]


  • Judicial Restraint: “Strict Constructionism”
  • Judicial Activism: Broad construction (‘Read between the lines’?)
  • Ideology
  • Unpredictability: Life tenure
  • Judiciary not democratic!