Toulouse Program Payment/Deadline Information 2010

Payments are DUE on or before the dates shown below. Notice of cancellation and requests for refunds must be RECEIVED in writing before business hours end on the refund deadline dates. The price of the 2010 Toulouse Program, in addition to the $30.00 NGCSU application fee, personal spending money, and cost of travel documents, is $4,575.00*. The $30.00 processing fee is non-refundable.


Date Due

Refund Policy*

$30.00 (NGCSU application fee)

At application, which should take place around 3 weeks after your introductory meeting. The date will be specified then.


$525.00 (Program deposit)

At application, which should take place around 3 weeks after your introductory meeting. The date will be specified then.

Deposit fully refundable through 12/31/09. $175.00 refundable through 1/31/10.

$2,025.00*** (Program payment 1)

The February orientation meeting (later by special arrangement with the directors).

Non- or only partially refundable, as this is what will be committed to travel arrangements.

$2,025.00*** (Program payment 2)

5/5/10 or 21 days prior to departure to assure clearing of checks, whichever comes first.

Amount dependent upon recoverability from program encumbrances.

*Based on a level of participation that guarantees group travel and lodging rates. This usually means 10 students or more. A smaller number of participants or significant changes in fuel and/or travel expenses, as well as exchange rates, can affect the final program cost.
**Program payments cannot, at least for the time being, be made by credit card at this time unless you have been accepted for admission to NGCSU. Even then it involves additional cost and a 3rd party transaction. We therefore strongly recommend that you make your payment with a check. Please contact Dr. Mann for details.
***In case of a U.S. State Department advisory or ban on travel to France or Western Europe, or if the program does not make due to a shortage of participants, we will make every effort to secure a full refund of all monies paid.