Welcome to Remote Sensing

This is an introductory course to the fundamental concepts of remote sensing with an emphasis on environmental applications. A familiarity with the basic concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and physical geography will be helpful.

The objective of the course is to have the student learn and be proficient in

  1. The physics concepts on which remote sensing is based
  2. A historical perspective of remote sensing
  3. Fundamentals of photogrammetry and scaling
  4. Airborne and satellite based remote sensing systems
  5. Fundamental techniques of remote sensing, leading from a raw image to a map product
  6. Be able to use the internet as a tool for scientific endeavor

In order to meet these objectives we will complete several laboratory activities culminating in lab reports and compilation of a lab report portfolio along with other homework, writing assignments and a final project.

Before you begin working through the labs and homeworks be sure to review the foundational topics covered in Getting Started