.. _TerrestrialLIDAR: ************************* Terrestrial LIDAR ************************* Lab Materials ============= Download this: :download:`More LIDAR Data <../_static/labs/TerrestrialLIDAR/materials/MoreLIDARData.zip>` Lab Content =========== Objective --------- Students will create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Surface Model (DSM), and with those a Normalized Digital Surface Model (nDSM) from LiDAR data. Procedure ------------- This is a Placeholder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create three map layouts on Letter sized paper Map Layout #1 - nDSM from Lab #2 Map Layout #2 - nDSM from 3pt scan (use Lab #2 DEM/DTM). Map Layout #3 - nDSM from all four points (use Lab #2 DEM/DTM). Layout should include the Lab #3 nDSM heights of the tree and building corner from Lab#2 in a table along with the Lab#2 nDSM heights and the real world measurements. All maps should have the same legend (classification) for the DSM values and should be in the same unit. The coordinate system used should be WGS84 UTM17N The map should be at 1:1000 scale and centered on the science building area. Metadata ======== | Title: Terrestrial LIDAR | CreationDate: 01/24/2016 | SoftwareUsed: Quick Terrain Modeler | SoftwareVersion: 8.0.5 | Contributors: Zac Miller, Chris Strother