.. _WritingALabReport:

Writing A Lab Report

Essential Materials

No materials are needed.

Essential Skill

Students will understand understand the requirements for lab reports.

All reports must adhere to the following format with clearly labeled sections:

1) OBJECTIVE: A clear statement of the goals of the investigation/experiment

2) THEORY/BACKGROUND: A clear exposition of the theoretical background of the investigation. All the formulae used and a description of the variables must be included in this section.

3) DATA: most often, the Data will consist of maps and photos, and numerical measurements made on these maps and photos. A description of the maps, photos is required and any numerical data extracted from these maps/photos must be neatly presented along with units. Numerical data is best presented in neatly labeled tables.

4) PROCEDURE: This sections contains the steps taken to complete the objectives of this lab. Break up the methodology into numbered steps and avoid narratives in a paragraph form.

5) CALCULATIONS: All calculations are to be clearly shown in original. Do not type your calculations. Make sure that all the calculated quantities have the appropriate units

6) RESULTS: Summarize all the numerical results of the experiment, preferably in a table.

7) ANALYSIS: Analyze the accuracy and implications of numerical results; Ascertain reasons for inaccurate results if that was the case

8) COMMENTS: State any comments you may have about the experiment performed

Laboratory reports are expected to be:

* Neat
* Organized
* With clearly labeled DATA tables with appropriate units
* All calculated quantities must have units on them
* There must be a clear RESULTS section summarizing the numerical results of the experiment preferably be in a tabular form

All the laboratory reports are expected to be in a binder with dividers to separate
the labs, such that the student will compile a Laboratory Portfolio in the course
of the Semester. The entire portfolio will be due at the last week of class. A
premium is placed on being neat, organized and concise.