.. _ImageSources: ************* Image Sources ************* Lab Materials ============= Download this: Lab Content =========== Objective --------- To Explore Image Sources Procedure --------- Exploring Other Imagery On The Internet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Visit the USGS Global Viewer site at http://glovis.usgs.gov and locate and browse through their image catalog. Explore the different sensors/satellite data that is available to you for free download. #. Download LC80190362015257LGN00.tar.gz from Glovis and save it for use in a future lab. #. Do a search on Google with keywords like satellite images and aerial images. #. Construct a table with the following format. This list should include ten sources other than Glovis. +-----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Data Source |Types of free data |Spatial/Radiometric Resolution |Types of data for sale |Spatial/Radiometric Resolution | +===================================+=========================+===============================+=============================+===============================+ | glovis.usgs.gov |Landsat 7 |30 meter Color/IR |None for sale ($0) |N/A | +-----------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------+ Metadata ======== | Title:Image Data Sources on the WWW | CreationDate:09/30/2013 | ModifiedDate:03/20/2016 | SoftwareUsed:Erdas Imagine | SoftwareVersion:11.0.3 | Contributors: Brandon Rumiser, Josh Nolan, Zac Miller, JB Sharma