Lab Materials

This lab will use the following data:


Name Age Gender
Lindsay 16 Female
Tom 21 Male
Eric 33 Male
Marco 13 Male
Kristopher 45 Male
Kelly 21 Female
Mitchell 24 Male
Tammy 30 Female
Brad 18 Male


Name Make
Lindsay Honda
Lindsay Yamaha
Tom Honda
Eric Honda
Eric Yamaha
Marco Honda
Marco Yamaha
Marco Kawasaki
Marco Suzuki
Marco KTM
Mitchell Honda
Mitchell Yamaha
Kelly Honda
Kristopher Honda
Kristopher Yamaha
Kristopher Kawasaki
Tammy Honda
Tammy Yamaha
Brad Honda
Brad Yamaha


Track Type Bike
Carters Racetrack dirt Honda
Carters Racetrack dirt Yamaha
RaceTrack Empire asphalt Honda
RaceTrack Empire asphalt Kawasaki
Dirt Roads dirt Honda
Dirt Roads dirt Kawasaki
Dirt Roads dirt KTM
Dirt Roads dirt Suzuki
Speedy Pavement asphalt Honda
Speedy Pavement asphalt KTM
Speedy Pavement asphalt Yamaha
Expressways asphalt Honda
Expressways asphalt Yamaha
Expressways asphalt Kawasaki
Expressways asphalt KTM
Expressways asphalt Suzuki
Georgia ATV Trails dirt Honda
Georgia ATV Trails dirt KTM
Georgia ATV Trails dirt Suzuki

Lab Content



Creating a CSV file using Python

  1. We can automatically generate a csv file Python as follows:

    import csv
    data = [
    ['Name', 'Age', 'Gender'],
    ['Tom',21, 'male'],
    ['Eric', 33, 'male'],
    ['Marco', 13, 'male'],
    ['Kristoper', 45,'male'],
    ['Kelly', 21, 'female'],
    ['Mitchell', 24, 'male'],
    ['Tammy', 30, 'female'],
    ['Brad', 30, 'male']
    c = csv.writer(open('C:\Users\crlyli0476\sample.csv', 'wb'))
    for row in data:

Importing a CSV file into PgAdminIII using Python

  1. We can import CSV files into the database using Python. First, we need to create a table to hold the data using Python as follows:

    cr = csv.reader(open('C:\Users\crlyli0476\sample.csv', "rb"))
    cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE example(
        name varchar,
        age integer,
        gender varchar)
  2. Now we can import the CSV data using Python as follows:

    for row in cr:
         if row[0] == 'Name':
             cur.execute("""INSERT INTO example VALUES (%s, %s, %s);""", (row[0], row[1], row[2]))
  3. Create a CSV file for the Make and Track tables and import the data into your database.

Exporting data as a CSV file using Python

  1. We can export the data from the database to a CSV file using Python as follows:

    cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM example""")
    csv_writer = csv.writer(open('C:\\Users\\crlyli0476\\exampleEx.csv', 'wt'), lineterminator='\n')
    csv_writer.writerow([i[0] for i in cur.description]) #writes headers
    del csv_writer

Importing a CSV file using PSQL Console

  1. Create a CSV file in Microsoft Excel with the name, age and gender columns and populate the rows with the data provided in the table Riders. Name your file RiderImport.csv and save it to your C: drive. Note: The file can be saved in any directory, but saving it to the C: drive will shorten your path.
  2. Open PgAdminIII and log into your database. At the top of the window, you will see a tab titled Plugins. Select PSQL Console. Create a table titled riders with the appropriate columns. Notice: If you refresh your tables tab in the Object browser, your new table has been created. This is shown in the second image below.
  1. We can import the RiderImport.csv we created earlier using the PSQL Console using the following command COPY <table> FROM ‘[PATH]:filename.csv’ CSV HEADER; An example is shown in the image below.

Exporting data as a CSV file using PSQL Console

  1. We can also export the data in our tables to a CSV file. Open the PSQL Console or continue using the one you have open. Use the following command. COPY <table> TO ‘[PATH]:newFilename.csv’ CSV HEADER;


Update soon.


SoftwareVersion: 9.1
Contributors: Zac Miller, Crystal Lyliston