Lab Materials

This lab will use the following data:


Name Age Gender
Lindsay 16 Female
Tom 21 Male
Eric 33 Male
Marco 13 Male
Kristopher 45 Male
Kelly 21 Female
Mitchell 24 Male
Tammy 30 Female
Brad 18 Male


Name Make
Lindsay Honda
Lindsay Yamaha
Tom Honda
Eric Honda
Eric Yamaha
Marco Honda
Marco Yamaha
Marco Kawasaki
Marco Suzuki
Marco KTM
Mitchell Honda
Mitchell Yamaha
Kelly Honda
Kristopher Honda
Kristopher Yamaha
Kristopher Kawasaki
Tammy Honda
Tammy Yamaha
Brad Honda
Brad Yamaha


Track Type Bike
Carters Racetrack dirt Honda
Carters Racetrack dirt Yamaha
RaceTrack Empire asphalt Honda
RaceTrack Empire asphalt Kawasaki
Dirt Roads dirt Honda
Dirt Roads dirt Kawasaki
Dirt Roads dirt KTM
Dirt Roads dirt Suzuki
Speedy Pavement asphalt Honda
Speedy Pavement asphalt KTM
Speedy Pavement asphalt Yamaha
Expressways asphalt Honda
Expressways asphalt Yamaha
Expressways asphalt Kawasaki
Expressways asphalt KTM
Expressways asphalt Suzuki
Georgia ATV Trails dirt Honda
Georgia ATV Trails dirt KTM
Georgia ATV Trails dirt Suzuki

Lab Content


Students use Python to interact with a relational database management system.


Connecting to a PostgreSQL server

  1. We can connect to a PostgreSQL server using Python as follows:

    import psycopg2
        conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=yourdb user=yourusername host=ipaddress password=yourdbpassword")
        print "I am unable to connect to the database."
    cur = conn.cursor()

Creating Tables

  1. We can create tables using SQL as follows:

    cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE rider(name varchar, age integer, gender varchar);""")

    Create the tables for Make and Track.

Inserting Data

  1. We can insert data using SQL as follows:

    cur.execute("""INSERT INTO rider (name, age, gender) VALUES ('Lindsay', 16, 'female'),
                ('Tom', 21, 'male'),('Eric', 33, 'male'), ('Marco', 13, 'male'),
                ('Kristopher', 45, 'male'), ('Kelly', 21, 'female'),('Mitchell', 24, 'male'),
                ('Tammy', 30, 'female'), ('Brad', 18, 'male');""")

    Insert the data into the Make and Track tables

Query Data

  1. We can query data using SQL as follows:

    #View all the data in the table
    cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM rider;""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row
    #To view only the names of the males older than 30
    cur.execute("SELECT name FROM rider WHERE age > 30 AND gender = 'male';""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row
    #To view the name and age of riders who are 21 or older or who are males
    cur.execute("""SELECT name, age FROM rider WHERE age >= 21 OR gender = 'male';""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row
    #To view the name and age of all riders who are not 21
    cur.execute("""SELECT name, age FROM rider WHERE age != 21;""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row

Performing a Cross Product

  1. We can perform the cross product in a SQL query:

    #View all the data in the table
    cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM rider, make;""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row

Creating Inconsistency

  1. We update the data in the tables using SQL as follows:

    cur.execute("""UPDATE rider SET name='Sally' WHERE name = 'Lindsay';""")
  2. Now examine rider and make together based on common columns:

    cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM rider NATURAL JOIN make;""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        print row

Notice Lindsay and Sally do not appear in the table. The data is inconsistent.

Dropping Tables

  1. We can delete tables using SQL as follows:

    cur.execute("""DROP TABLE rider;""")
    cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM rider;""")
    #You should see an error message psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation "rider" does not exist

Delete tables make and track

Using pgAdminIII

  1. Open PgAminIII from Start menu > programs > PostgresSQL 9.1 > PgAdminIII
  2. After PgAdminIII opens, you will see the following screen:
  1. To connect to a database, click the ‘Add a connection to a server button’. A new window will display.

    Enter the name of the database, host, port, and password into the boxes shown below.

  1. Next we will create a table and add data to the table.

    Double click on your database name in the Object Browser. Click on the expand the Database with the plus symbol. click on your database name. Now you can click the SQL icon at the top on PgAdmin and a new window will opened.

  1. Inside on the new SQL window, There is a panel titled SQL Editor where you will type your queries, an output panel that will display the queries, and a scratch pad where you can place queries in progress. At the end of the every SQL statement, there must be a ; or you will recieve an error in the output panel. Note: When you exit the SQL window, you are asked if you would like to save changes. Selecting yes will save the text in the SQL Editor.
  1. After creating a few tables return to the main PgAdminIII window, extend your database, extend Schemas, extend public, and extend tables. The table you created should be there. You can now right click on the table and select view data > view top 100 rows a new window will open showing the table filled with the data you inserted.


Update soon.


SoftwareVersion: 9.1
Contributors: Zac Miller, Crystal Lyliston