
Geogebra is a really powerful dynamic software that combines Geometry and Algebra.
It has many similarities to GSP and other capabilities. Best of all it is FREE!

Go to

You can either download and install Geogebra on your computer or you can use it over the web.

There is a big button that says “DOWNLOAD” on the main page, or go here:

I down load and install the “Offline Installer.” Just click the link that says “offline installer,”

Click on your operating system (probably Windows or Mac OS X). You will then be prompted
to download an executable file. Save it; run it; and follow the directions.

Other wise, go to and just run it off the web.

Once you have downloaded or accessed Geogebra, we are going to go through a few activities
to get used to it.

1. Watch the video: Geogebra Centroid

2. Watch the video: ColorsandSave

3. Watch the video: tools

4. Watch the video: incenter

5. Create a file (yourlastname-Centers.ggb) with a dynamic triangle ABC, its centroid, circumcenter, incenter, orthocenter, and Euler line.
Hide all other objects used in the construction.

6. Add to your file (yourlastname-Centers.ggb) the following 5 tools:
i) Centroid (output the centroid with vertices as input)
ii) Orthocenter (output the orthocenter with vertices as input)
iii) Incenter (output the incenter with vertices as input)
iv) Circumcenter (output the circumcenter with vertices as input)
v) EulerLine (Output the centroid, orthocenter, circumcenter, and the line containing
them with vertices as input)

7. Watch the video: unitcircle

8. Create a sketch (yourlastname-unitcircle.ggb) that contains the same features as the one in the video.

Calculus 9. Watch the video: sin-tan-sec

10. Check out the sketch “RiemannSum.ggb” (in the Day 3 folder) that I found online. Just open it and explore.
It shows some very powerful features such as the sequence tool.