CIS 2201 (online)

Fall 2024




Instructor:      Penelope Lyman



Office Hours Virtual (Teams) or F2F:

Re Teams: Open Teams and click on the Calls tab. Type my name in the Search box and initiate a call during office hours.

  M 1:00pm – 2:30pm

F2F Oconee Room 592 SRC

  W 12:00pm – 1:30pm

F2F Oconee Room 592 SRC

  R 11:00am – 2:00pm

Virtual (Teams) only






Begin by clicking on the Syllabus link on the eLearning (D2L) homepage under Course Information. Read the syllabus (all of it) like you have a purpose.


You are responsible for reading the syllabus and this Start Here document. Email me if you have any questions. Do NOT use the email tool in eLearning when you send me an email. I only check email sent to Please check YOUR email frequently, especially after you send me a message.



Go to eLearning (D2L) and complete BOTH the MANDATORY Attendance Quiz AND the MANDATORY Introduction Discussion. Do this ASAP!! Per the syllabus, UNG undergraduate online courses will now have a mandatory attendance quiz and introduction discussion. 

  • These activities will be accessible in D2L the Friday before the first day of classes.
  • These activities will act as the standard roll verification instrument for all undergraduate online courses.
  • All Students must complete BOTH the Mandatory Attendance Quiz and Introduction Discussion within 72 hours after the end of the drop/add period–by August 19, 11:59 p.m.
  • Students who do not complete BOTH the Mandatory Attendance Quiz and Introduction Discussion Post by August 19, 11:59 p.m. will be reported as absent during roll verification and will be withdrawn from the course, receiving a W for the course.



Per the syllabus:




The materials for this course are part of UNG’s First Day Inclusive Access Program. 

·        All course materials (e-texts and access to Connect and SIMnet platforms) have been added to your UNG billing statement at a discounted price.

·        You should see an e-text charge on your billing statement which is the Opt-in-Price for required materials for this class.

·        You do NOT need an access code with Inclusive Access.

·        Please contact me if you wish to “opt-out” of Inclusive Access. This option is NOT recommended.


You will be registering for the Connect and SIMnet platforms via links in D2L.


Both e-texts below are required for the class. You should already have access to them via links in D2L.

  1. Connect: Investigating Technology, Ted Tedmon, Casey Wilhelm, McGraw Hill ©2021

2.     SIMnet: Microsoft Office 365 in Practice 2021 Edition, Randy Nordell, Kathleen Stewart, Annette Easton, Pat Graves, Amie Mayhall, McGraw Hill, ©2023


If you need technical assistance, contact McGraw Hill Customer Support.
800-331-5094 (best contact for Connect AND SIMnet)



Print out the Assignment Sheet at the end of the syllabus and mark your calendar with the due dates. Based on the Assignment Sheet due dates, all assignments (exams (not including the final exam), Simbook exercises and SIMnet projects) are due on Thursdays by 1:00pm (except for the mandatory attendance quiz and the mandatory introduction discussion due January 15, 11:59pm.). No late submissions will be accepted.


The exam study sheets, SIMnet Projects instructions, Simbook Exercises instructions are all stored in eLearning.



Now that we’ve gotten the administrative details taken care of, you can begin your coursework.


You should get started on

·       Exam 1 Computers in Business (from Connect)

·       SIMnet

o   Simbook Exercise 1

o   Simbook Exercise 2

o   Project 1 MS Word 2021 SIMnet In Practice-Chapter 1

during the first week since they are due on Thursday of Week 2. (For explicit instructions regarding upcoming assignments, see Week 2 below.)


I don't advise waiting until Wednesday evening of Week 2 to begin Week 2’s assignments--and certainly not Thursday morning. My response to email inquiries is promised within 24 hours which means if you get stuck, you might not be able to complete assignments before the due date, resulting in a zero for the assignment.


ALWAYS check the D2L gradebook (Grades) after you submit an assignment to verify your score. Let me know ASAP if there is a problem. Give the two software platforms (SIMnet and D2L) a few minutes to sync.


Note: Weekly learning objectives that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives above may be viewed at or opened from the Content tab in eLearning under the Course Information topic.




Assuming you have read the syllabus and this Start Here webpage, you should complete your first Exam, your first two Simbook Exercises, and your first SIMnet Project, hopefully at least 24 hours before they are due on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. of Week 2.

The class is designed so that anyone, regardless of computer experience, should be able to complete all the projects. If you are an expert, be patient with the level of detail.


Note: Even if you added the class on the last day of drop/add, you still have time to complete the assignments that are due by Thursday of Week 2.



If you prefer to work on the Exam Study Sheet first, scroll down to #4 of Week 2.


NOTE: You should ALWAYS access the Simbook Exercises and SIMnet Projects via the links in eLearning.


Simbook Exercises: (Do the Simbook Exercises BEFORE you try the SIMnet Projects.) Note: There is no SIMnet Project for Simbook Exercise 1 (Windows).


SIMnet’s Simbook Exercise 1 and Simbook Exercise 2:

  • Click on the link in eLearning for Simbook Exercises Launch in the Content Browser list (scroll down if necessary).
  • Then click on Simbook Exercises Instructions.


Content Browser display for Simbook Exercises Launch links


  • READ ALL the instructions carefully.
  • After you finish reading the instructions, click on the Simbook Exercise 1 Intro Chapter – Windows Office and File Management link (under the Simbook Exercises Launch link.


Display of D2L menu with appropriate links highlighted.


  • Per the instructions, you should be prompted to register for SIMnet—this is a one-time registration process you should not have to repeat for the Simbooks or the SIMnet projects.
  • Once you start a Simbook Exercise as shown in the instructions, complete let me try tasks on each Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) webpage in the Simbook Exercise.
  • You do NOT have to do the Pause & Practice webpages or the Quizzes offered in the Simbook Exercises. You are only required to complete the let me try portions of the SLO webpages.
  • STOP when you get to the Chapter Summary in the Simbook Exercise.
  • Per the Simbook Exercises Instructions, after you complete and exit the Exercise, go to the Grades link in D2L and check to make sure you received full credit for the Exercise you just completed. Note: If necessary, you can return to the Simbook Exercise to finish incomplete tasks.
  • YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ASSIGNMENT GRADES EVERY WEEK IN THE D2L GRADEBOOK (Grades) before the due date. The D2L gradebook scores are the scores I will use to determine your final grade in the class. After you finish a Simbook Exercise in SIMnet, it takes a few minutes for the grade to sync to the D2L gradebook. After the due date for a Simbook Exercise, you will not be able to access that Exercise again.
  • Once you finish Simbook Exercise 1, return to D2L, click on the Simbook Exercises Launch link. Then, click on Simbook Exercise 2 Word – Chapter 1.
  • Complete the let me try tasks for Simbook Exercise 2 like you did for Simbook Exercise 1.
  • Again, check your score in the D2L gradebook BEFORE the due date to make sure you received full credit for the assignment.
  • Per the syllabus, you have one week after a Simbook Exercise's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that Exercise.


Assuming you are satisfied with your scores on Simbook Exercises 1 and 2, follow the directions below for completing SIMnet Project 1.



AGAIN: You should ALWAYS access the Simbook Exercises and SIMnet Projects via the links in eLearning.


SIMnet Projects:

  • Unless you have MS Office 365 2021 installed on your own computer, all CIS 2201 SIMnet Projects should be completed using the virtual lab (vlab) or a UNG campus computer. You should be using MS Office 365 2021. If you don’t use the right MS Office version the project instructions may not match the software.

Ø  The Virtual Lab may be accessed via a web browser (Chrome works best) as follows:

o   Go to 

o   Click on the right option (VMware Horizon HTML Access)

o   Enter your login information, including 2FA.

o   Click the “Accept” button in green. 

o   Click the Virtual Lab link square on the left.

o   Wait. The UNG virtual desktop should open.


  • Assuming you are using the vlab, open a Chrome browser inside the vlab. Then, log into D2L.
  • Click on the SIMnet Projects Launch link in the Content Browser list on the left.
  • Then, click on the SIMnet Projects Instructions link.


Display of Content Browser for SIMnet Projects Launch link


  • READ the instructions for the SIMnet projects BEFORE you start working on the projects.
  • Once you have read the instructions, click on Project 1 MS Word 2021 SIMNet In Practice – Chapter 1 under the SIMnet Projects Launch link.


Display of D2L menu with appropriate links highlighted.


  • Since you should have already registered for SIMnet when you started the Simbook exercises in #2 above, you should not be prompted again to register.
  • Complete SIMnet Project 1 per the SIMnet instructions.
  • NOTE: If you are working in the vlab and you saved your project file to the MS OneDrive drive, you will need to be in D2L in the vlab to access and upload your project file.
  • Upload the required file to the SIMnet platform for grading by 1:00pm on August 22.


  • Emailed project submissions are NOT accepted.


  • Don’t forget to check your grade in the D2L gradebook BEFORE the due date. Per the syllabus, you have one week after a project's due date to email me if you have any questions about your performance or score for that project.


Please email me if you need assistance. 


NOTE (more nagging): All of the Simbook Exercises and SIMnet Projects are available at the beginning of the semester. You don’t have to wait until they are due in order to submit them. Get started early and submit your work ahead of time. It surely beats getting a zero if you try to submit after the due date.




Beginning on August 22, you will have 1 exam per week in eLearning (D2L) due for 14 weeks based on material from Connect’s Investigating Technology e-text. Most exams will cover one chapter per week. However, there are three exams that will cover two chapters for the week. See the syllabus assignment sheet.


To access your Connect e-text:

  • Click on the Connect: Investigating Technology Launch link in the Content Browser list on the left (scroll down if necessary).
  • Then, click on the Connect Registration Instructions link (shown below).


Display of the Connect links in D2L


  • Read all the instructions before you try to register.
  • After you finish reading the instructions, click on the McGraw-Hill Connect launch link (circled on the image below).


Display of the Connect links in D2L



At this point, I assume you registered for Connect per the instructions and you are able to access your e-text.

  • Each exam will be available for 1 week in eLearning (D2L) before its due date, so you don’t have to wait until Thursday of a particular week to take an exam.
  • Exams must be taken in D2L by the scheduled date and time or you will receive a zero.
  • Each exam is worth 50 points (the most points of any individual assignment), so consider prioritizing the weekly exam assignments.
  • BEFORE you take Exam 1 (labeled Exam 1 Computers in Business) in D2L, click on the link for Study Sheets in D2L. The link may be accessed under the Content Browser or by clicking on the Content icon on the top navigation bar and scrolling down to Study Sheets. The Study Sheets for all exams including the final exam are available from the beginning of the semester.
  • Click on Study Sheet Exam 1. 
  • Print out Study Sheet Exam 1 and answer all the questions based on Connect’s Investigating Technology etext for the chapter labeled Computers in Business. As I mentioned in the instructions, the e-text chapters are not numbered, so you will have to scroll down through the Table of Contents to find a particular chapter.
  • DO NOT try to take Exam 1 in D2L until you have completed Study Sheet Exam 1.
  • You will only have 25 minutes to take an exam. If you complete each Study Sheet and have it available before you begin taking an exam in D2L, you should not have any trouble completing the exam well within the time allotted.
  • Once you have answered the questions on Study Sheet Exam 1 to your satisfaction, open Exam 1 in D2L. To access an exam
    1. Click on the link for Exams (D2L) in D2L from the left-hand Content Browser navigation list
    2. OR click on the Content link on the top blue navigation bar and scroll down to the Exams (D2L) link
    3. OR click the Quizzes link (shown below) on the top blue navigation bar.


 Printscreen of D2L showing the Quizzes and the first Exam.


  • Click on Exam 1 Computers in Business. You will not be able to take Exam 1 until August 15. You have a week to take Exam 1which is due in eLearning by August 22 at 1:00pm.


  • The exams, not including the final exam, are open-book.
  • Each exam will have 25 multiple choice questions worth two points each.
  • The questions and answers on all the exams will be scrambled.
  • You may only take an exam in D2L one time. Once you start the exam, the eLearning clock will start, and you will only have 25 minutes to finish. You must finish the exam once you start, so don’t start unless you are ready to complete the entire exam. It is your responsibility to establish a reliable Internet connection to prevent interruptions during an exam.
  • A Chrome browser works best with D2L.
  • Click Start Quiz! AFTER you read the instructions.
  • Again, exams, not including the final, will be open-book.
  • Questions on each exam will be delivered one at a time.
  • Remember, you only get one chance to answer each question. You cannot go back once you select an answer and move to the next question.
  • After you begin an exam, answer the first question. A check mark should appear in the page icon on the left and above the question text next to the question number to indicate your answer response was saved. Then, click the click Next Page button to advance to the next question. Be sure to select an answer BEFORE you click the Next Page button. If you leave an answer blank, you will not be able to go back and select an answer later.
  • Click the Submit Quiz button once you’ve answered all the questions.
  • Click the Submit Quiz button (again) in the Quiz Submission Confirmation window to submit your quiz.


You should be able to see your score in the eLearning gradebook (Grades) after you click Done.


If you don’t see your grade in the eLearning gradebook after you submit an exam, email me immediately. Per the syllabus, you have one week to contact me after the due date if you have questions about your score or performance on a particular exam.


I HIGHLY recommend that you work ahead as much as possible.




Follow the directions displayed above in Week 2 to complete the new assignments due in Week 3.


Per the syllabus Assignment Sheet, Exam 2 Computer Hardware, Simbook Exercise 3, and SIMnet Project 2 are all due on Thursday, August 29, at 1:00 p.m. See your Assignment Sheet to verify the specific date. 


Note: The optional Word Capstone project is also due for a certificate on Thursday, August 29 at 1:00pm. See the SIMnet Projects Instructions (pp 6-7) for directions to access the Word Capstone project. As I explained in the projects instructions, the Word Capstone project (due Week 3) and the PowerPoint Capstone project (due Week 5) are NOT graded. If, however, you decide to complete the 2 projects by their due dates AND receive at least 90% on one of your attempts, you will receive a Yellow Belt Certificate of Achievement.


It is YOUR responsibility to check the eLearning gradebook (Grades) to verify that your assignment scores are correct BEFORE the due date. Per the syllabus, you have one week to contact me after the due date if you have questions about your score or performance on a particular assignment.





Per the syllabus Assignment Sheet, Exam 3 Computer Input & Computer Output (2 chapters), Simbook Exercise 4 and SIMnet Project 3 are all due on Thursday, September 5, at 1:00 p.m. See your Assignment Sheet to verify the specific date. 


NOTE: Exam 3 covers 2 chapters in your e-text.



Beyond this point, you should be able to follow your syllabus Assignment Sheet for SIMnet projects, Simbook exercises, and exams. 


YOU SHOULD ONLY ACCESS your assignments via D2L.


No assignments are due the week of Fall (Thanksgiving) Break (November 25-29).


Please email me if you have any questions.

Final Exam (proctored activity)


The CIS 2201 Final Exam is comprehensive over the 14 exams (17 chapters) taken during the semester. The final exam will have 100 multiple choice questions from Connect’s Investigating Technology e-text. There is a Final Exam Study Sheet available under the Study Sheets link on eLearning. The final exam in D2L will NOT be open-book, and you will NOT be permitted any notes. The exam should take about an hour.

It is a REQUIREMENT of all online courses at UNG to have a proctored activity worth a minimum of 10% of the course grade.  Your CIS 2201 FINAL EXAM is that proctored activity.  YOU MUST TAKE THE FINAL EXAM.


The CIS 2201 Final Exam in D2L will be proctored by an Authorized UNG Testing Center or ProctorU. Both options require a fee. The scheduling period for the final exam with ProctorU or the UNG Testing Center is shown on the Assignment Sheet AND at the beginning of the course syllabus (under Important Dates) AND on the eLearning course homepage.

Please see the syllabus under Course Information in D2L for more information about the Final Exam.