- Meng Han, Mingyuan Yan, Zhipeng Cai, Yingshu Li, Xingquan Cai, and Jiguo Yu. Influence Maximization by Probing Partial Communities in Dynamic Social Network,. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/ett.3054
- Zhuojun Duan, Mingyuan Yan, Zhipeng Cai, Xiaoming Wang, Meng Han, Yingshu Li, Truthful Incentive Mechanisms for Social Cost Minimization in Mobile Crowdsourcing Systems, Sensors, 2016, 16(4), DOI:10.3390/s16040481
- Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Raheem Beyah, and Zhipeng Cai, Semi-Structure Routing and Analytical Frameworks for Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2016
- Meng Han, Mingyuan Yan, Zhipeng Cai, Yingshu Li. “ “An Exploration of Broader Influence Maximization in Timeliness Networks with Opportunistic Selection“ [J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Accepted), 2015
- Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Raheem Beyah, and Zhipeng Cai, Semi-Structure Routing and Analytical Frameworks for Cognitive Radio Networks, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2015.
- Meng Han, Mingyuan Yan, Jinbao Li, Shouling Ji, and Yingshu Li, Neighborhood-based Uncertainty Generation in Social Networks, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JCO), Vol. 28, pp(s): 561-576, 2014.
- Chunyu Ai, Wei Zhong, Mingyuan Yan, Feng Gu, A partner-matching framework for social activity communities, Computational Social Networks, December 2014.
- Chunyu Ai, Yueming Duan, Mingyuan Yan, and Jing He, Area Query Processing Based on Gray Code in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol. 17, Issue 5, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2012.
- Jing He, Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Yi Pan, and Yingshu Li, Load-Balanced CDS Construction in Wireless Sensor Networks Via Genetic Algorithm, to appear in the International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNET), 2012.
- Mingyuan Yan, Jing (Selena) He, Shouling Ji, and Yingshu Li, Multi-Regional Query Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks with Minimum Latency, Accepted by Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2012.
- Mingyuan Yan, Chunyu Ai, Zhipeng Cai, Yingshu Li,Data Aggregation Scheduling in Probabilistic Wireless Networks with Cognitive Radio Capability. globecom 2016
- Chunyu Ai, Meng Han, J. Wang, Mingyuan Yan, An Efficient Social Event Invitation Framework based on Historical Data of Smart Devices. Atlanta: SocialCom2016. http://tinman.cs.gsu.edu/~socialcom/
- Li Ji, Zhipeng Cai, Mingyuan Yan, and Yingshu Li, Using Crowdsourced Data in Location-based Social Networks to Explor Influence Maximization. INFOCOM 2016
- Chunyu Ai, Wei Zhong, Mingyuan Yan, Feng Gu, Partner Matching Applications of Social Networks, COCOON 2014, Atlanta, USA, August 4-6, 2014.
- Mingyuan Yan, Shouling Ji, Meng Han, Yingshu Li, and Zhipeng Cai, Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Networks with Cognitive Radio Capability, SECON 2014, University Town, Singapore, June 30-July 3, 2014.
- Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Raheem Beyah, and Zhipeng Cai, Semi-Structure Routing and Performance Analysis for Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE MASS 2013, Hangzhou, China, October 14-16, 2013.
- Mingyuan Yan, Shouling Ji, and Zhipeng Cai, Time Efficient Data Aggregation Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, GA USA, December 9-13, 2013.
- Meng Han, Mingyuan Yan, J. Li, Shouling Ji, and Yingshu Li, Generating Uncertain Networks based on Historical Network Snapshots, CSoNet 2013 in conjunction with COCOON 2013, Hangzhou, China, June 21-23, 2013.
- Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Yueming Duan, Jing (Selena) He, Raheem Beyah, and Zhipeng Cai, Broadcast Scheduling for Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2013, Demo/Poster Session, Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013.
Mingyuan Yan, Jing He, Shouling Ji, and Yingshu Li, minimum Latency Scheduling for Multi-Regional Query in Wireless Sensor Networks, IPCCC 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA, November 17- 19, 2011. [Slides]
Jing He, Shouling Ji, Mingyuan Yan, Yi Pan, and Yingshu Li, genetic-Algorithm-Based Construction of Load-Balanced CDSs in Wireless Sensor Networks, MILCOM 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 7-10, 2011. [Slides]