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The Contest: is to test your electoral/analytical acumen. The goal is to be the most accurate predictor of election outcomes.

The Reward: is extra credit points added directly to your final average. The first-place finisher receives three points, the second-place finisher receives two points, and the third-place finisher receives one point.

The Rules (Depending on the course and year, you will participate in one of two contests—to be announced in class) :
Contest A—Simple... You must predict the number of Electoral College votes that the Democratic and Republican candidates will receive in the presidential election. Check class predictions here: Contest A. For a list of sites with information on the Electoral College, click here.
Contest B—Simple... You must predict the number of seats that the Democrats and Republicans will hold in the House of Representatives after the congressional elections. Check class predictions here: Contest B. For information on congressional races, you might want to check a site like the
Cook Political Report.

How to win (in both contests):
The total differential between your predictions and the actual outcome is your score (see examples below). You must submit your predictions to me by the final Friday before Election Day.

Contest A Example: Your prediction—Republican Candidate will win 300 EC votes, Democratic Candidate will win 238 EC votes
  Actual outcome—Republican Candidate wins 320 EC votes, Democratic Candidate wins 218 EC votes
Your Score 40 (prediction is off by 20 votes for each candidate)
Contest B Example: Your prediction—Republicans will win 230 seats, and Democrats will win 205 seats
  Actual outcome—Republicans win 220 seats, Democrats win 215 seats
Your Score 20 (prediction is off by 10 seats for each party)

The lower the score, the more accurate your prediction (hence Electoral Golf). As noted above, the three best (lowest) scores receive extra credit.

Ties: Ties for any position are awarded full points each. Ties for any position count towards the next position as well.
Example: If two predictions tie for first place, each is awarded three points, and the next finisher is awarded third place. If three or more prediction tie for first, each is awarded three points, and there are no more awards. If two or more predictions tie for second, each is awarded two points, and there are no more awards. If two or more predictions tie for third, each is awarded one point.

Contest Bonuses: I will award another one "King of the hill" point for each person who's score is lower (more accurate) than mine.

Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Tuesday, January 23, 2024