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Article presentations and other discussions will use Socratic Dialogues, requiring class members to assume various roles during discussions.
What is a Socratic Dialogue? The Socratic Dialogue format uses role playing, hypothetical case studies, and a roving inquisitor to compel panelists to confront what they would do in situations where the "right" choice is not clear. The question "What would you do?" is different from "What do you think?" in that it drives a participant to reveal how he or she would confront a specific problem. The exercise is designed to identify the perceptions and decision-making processes of all sides and to enable participants to better understand both their own positions and the imperatives driving others' actions. As panelists wrestle with the hypothetical situations, the drama created helps illuminate complex issues in an enlightening way.
(PBS. 1999. Viewer's Guide, Beyond Black and White: Affirmative Action in America [WWWdocument]. URL http://www.pbs.org/pov/tvraceinitiative/beyondblackandwhite/viewer.html#socratic)
When you sign up, the Red lines "______" may only  be filled after all  other lines on the page are taken.
Executive Branch Legislative Branch Outside Actors
The President
Carl Cavalli
House: Republican Majority
Interest Groups
Kathryn Cunningham
Kevin Bayler
White House Advisors
Elysa Walter
Ana Cristina Townsend
House: Democratic  Minority
The Press
Kristy Benitez
The Cabinet
Darby Sullivan
Senate: Republican  Majority
The Public
Aidan Porciello
   Senate: Democratic Minority
Alexander Fountain
Each class member must either select one of these roles or suggest another one subject to approval.
Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Monday, February 03, 2025