4111 Home Frequently Asked Questions <Back
If you can think of other questions useful to post here, please contact me: carl.cavalli@ung.edu

Do we have to know this for the exam?
Unless I specifically say otherwise, yes. Anything covered in class may appear on an exam. If I didn't think you should know about it, I would not assign it.

Is the final cumulative?
Yes and no. Yes in that you have to understand earlier parts of the course in order to comprehend the last part; and no in that I will not ask you about any previously tested material.

Is there anything I can do for extra credit?
I may announce additional extra credit projects during the course (be sure to check D2L!), but I will not offer anything on an individual basis.

I'm new here, what is this Research Conference thing I keep hearing about?
The UNG Annual Research Conference is usually scheduled scheduled late March and/or early April. It is a multi-day academic conference where the best work of our undergraduate students is showcased. Every academic major is represented over several panels. For in formation on the, click here.


Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Tuesday, January 10, 2023