3123 Home Under Construction Course Schedule, Fall 2024 <Back
Legend: Wayne =The Road to the White House 2024; Polsby = Presidential Elections, 16th ed. (see 3123 Home Page). Numbers following the names are chapters. Other names refer to articles. Role Playing Articles (or RP art.)=Google News articles (to be selected in class—see updates on our Home page). Items in Red Bold type are activities or assignments. Italicized items are videos (see Additional Readings and Videos).  Red cells are exams .
 Tuesday: Class discussion, articles, videos  Thursday/Outside: D2L discuss (due 12p Mon.), Exams
8/13  Intro. ("Hello, my name..."); Course information 8/15  Wayne Preface, 1; Drop/add ends 3pm Friday
8/20  Discussion; Pepe and Issacharoff articles 8/22  Environment: Wayne 3; Polsby 1, 2
8/27  Discussion; Role Playing (RP) articles   Outside  Rules and Resources: Polsby 3 
9/03  Discussion; Primary (1960)   Outside  More Resources - Money: Wayne 2; Exam questions
9/10  Discussion; So You Want to Be President (1984) 9/12 —Exam #1 (all material through 9/10)—
9/17  Nomination Basics: Polsby 4; [Documentary TBA]   Outside  The Nomination - 2024: Wayne 4, 5
9/24  The Nomination - 2024; Convention videos    Outside  Post-Primary: Wayne 6 
10/01  Discussion; RP articles; Withdrawal deadline is Friday    Outside  The General Election: Wayne 7; Polsby 5
10/08  Discussion; RP articles    Outside  The Media: Wayne 8; Exam questions 
10/15  Discussion; RP articles  10/17 —Exam #2 (all material from 9/17 to 10/15—
10/22  The Election: Wayne 9; Project Workshop   Outside  Parties and Democracy: Polsby 7; Biblio. due 5pm Fri. 
10/29  Discussion; RP articles; Project Workshop; My b-day: Wed.!    Outside  Reform I: Polsby 6; Outline due 5pm Friday
11/05  Discussion; RP articles    Outside  Reform II: Wayne 10 
11/12  Discussion; RP articles    Outside  Work on your projects!! Project due 5pm Friday
11/19   Presentations 1-3 11/21  Presentations 4-6
Project Revisions due by 5pm, Monday, 12/02   Final Exam: Tuesday, 12/03, 10:20am to 12:20pm
    NOTE Class Cancellations: we will pick up where we left off -- and meet Thursdays if needed  
Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Friday, August 09, 2024