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Your Annotated Bibliography is limited to academic journals and books only. For the rest of your project, you may add other sources.
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Search Help: Finding academic books and journals
Below is an alphabetized list of relevant academic journals.* These are best for developing basic theory and research agenda.
  • American Behavioral Scientist
  • American Journal of Political Science
  • American Political Science Review
  • American Politics Research
  • American Review of Politics
  • Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
  • Congress and the Presidency
  • Democracy & Society
  • Election Law Journal
  • Electoral Studies
  • Journal of Black Studies
  • Journal of Democracy
  • Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
  • Journal of Legislative Studies
  • Journal of Political Economy
  • Journal of Political Marketing
  • Journal of Politics
  • Journal of Women, Politics and Policy
  • Legislative Studies Quarterly
  • Media, Culture and Society
  • National Political Science Review
  • New Political Science
  • Partisan Review
  • Party Developments
  • Party Politics
  • Perspectives on Political Science
  • Perspectives on Politics
  • Policy & Politics
  • Policy Studies
  • Policy Studies Journal
  • Policy Studies Review
  • Political Analysis
  • Political Behavior
  • Political Communication
  • Political Psychology
  • Political Quarterly
  • Political Research Quarterly
  • Political Science
  • Political Science Quarterly
  • Political Studies
  • Politics (Campaigns & Elections)
  • Politics & Gender
  • Politics & Society
  • Politics and Policy
  • Presidential Studies Quarterly
  • PS: Political Science & Politics
  • Public Opinion Quarterly
  • Quarterly Journal of Political Science
  • Review of Politics
  • Social Forces
  • Social Science Quarterly
  • Social Science Research
  • Sociological Quarterly
  • Sociological Research
  • Sociological Review
  • State Politics and Policy Quarterly
  • The Review of Politics
  • Western Political Quarterly
  • White House Studies
  • Women & Politics
Below is a guide to other non-academic sources.* These are best for filling in detail regarding specific events.
OK TO USE: USE WITH CAUTION (I will be skeptical!): DO NOT USE:
  • Related Trade Publications/Sites
    • Campaigns & Elections Roll Call
      CQ Weekly The Hill
  • Major Periodicals (but NOT their Op-Ed)
    • Newsweek The Washington Post
      The New York Times Time Magazine
      The Wall Street Journal US News & World Report
  • Major Wire Services
    • Associated Press Reuters
      Agence France Presse United Press International
  • Media Sources
    • ABC
      Fox News
  • NO Blogs/Personal sites
  • NO Law Journals
  • NO Opinion Publications/Sites
    • Human Events The Nation
      Mother Jones The National Review
      Slate Magazine The New Republic
      The American Prospect The Weekly Standard
      The American Spectator The Wilson Quarterly
      The Drudge Report Townhall.com
      The Huffington Post  
  • NO "Facebook Feed Sites"
*Note: These lists are not comprehensive, and subject to change.
Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Tuesday, January 23, 2024