Political Socialization/Media
UPDATED 9/6/11                                                                              <Back

Political Socialization

  • American are a patriotic group...but...
  • We aren't born with our opinions. We must pick them up from somewhere!
  • Political Socialization
    • Formation and transmission of beliefs and values
    • Lifelong process
  • Agents of socialization: the “transmitters”
    • Family – the primary agent.
    • Education – reinforce & challenge
    • Peers/Workplace/Groups – reinforce
    • Media – reinforce
  • Determinants of socialization: the “directors"
    • SES, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Age, Religion, Region
  • Universal American Values:
    [video: The Daily Show, 1/20/09, "Changefest '09"]
    • Equality
    • Personal freedoms
    • Consent of the governed
    • Free enterprise
  • Yet there is conflict (recall chapter 1)...
  • Ideology: groups share similar views
    • Liberalism (26%*): reform and equality
    • Conservatism (35%*): status quo and freedom
    • Moderates (35%*): “fluid character of... debate”
      *Source: Gallup.com
  • We like to think democracies simply respond to us, but the system is more complicated...
    • Mutual influence: political system public opinion
    • Opinions vary and are shaped by politicians

Measuring Public Opinion
[web extras: Now, PBS 6/14/02, "History of Opinion Polling"; "What to look for in a proper poll"]

  • Public Opinion Polls
    • Sample population
  • Sample selection is important
    • Representativeness...Random sampling
      [web extra: NewsHour, PBS 10/15/03, "Poll Mania"]
  • Sample size and margin of error
    • 450:  ±5%;    1,500:  ±3%;    2,500: ±2%
  • Measurement Error: wording and order
  • Similar surveys should produce similar results.
    [web extra: pollingreport.com, "Obama: Job Ratings"]
