Democracy and Government   
  • Why learn about government?
  • We’re surrounded – literally!
  • We complain about more ‘interference’...
  • ...BUT...We expect action
  • Whether you like it or not, it’s all around us, and it’s not going away...
    [audio extra: NPR story 9/30/03, "Size of Government"]
  • Government affects everyday life
    [video extra: YouTube, "Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go?"]
Why Government?
  • Definition: Institutions & processes used to rule over a territory and its people
  • Imagine life without any government: “State of Nature”
  • Government requires: Obedience and Revenue
  • Why obedience?

Why Obedience?

  • Exercise: Thumb wrestling!
  • Web discussion boards, MySpace, Facebook
  • Moral?...We’re self-interested
  • Need to force compliance
  • If so, participation is important
  • If policies are too out of step, we stop obeying
    [web extra: a real world example, "Timeline: Egypt's Revolution"]
What Types?
  • Monarchy (and absolute monarchy)
  • Marxism and Communism
  • Totalitarianism and Dictatorship
  • Theocracy, Socialism, Anarchy,
  • Democracy: What is democracy?
What Types?
  • With the exception of communism, the trend since the late 17th century is toward democracy.
  • Why?
  • Growing middle class challenges government
    • The French called them "The Bourgeoisie"
      The British called them "The Middling Sort"
  • Society becomes more interdependent, and...
What is Politics?
  • Middle class money drives the economy.
  • Solution: give population say in ruling...
    • Democracy!
  • Brings us to...Politics: Meaning: Influencing government
  • Harold Lasswell (1902-1978):
    • “Who gets what, when, and how."

Myth and Reality

Next: Founding/Federalism>