Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

  • Makers
    • President
      • Commander-in-Chief
      • Diplomatic Recognition
      • Ambassadors, treaties, executive agreements
    • Bureaucracy
    • Congress
      • Declare War (obsolete?)
      • Power of Purse (finance, foreign aid)
      • Raise Armed Forces
      • Senate: Ambassadors, treaties
  • Shapers
    • Interest Groups
      • Single-issue groups
      • Ethnicity/Country groups
      • Human Rights
      • Environment
    • Media
      • Scale and speed of communication
      • Coverage may create pressure for action



  • No longer unilateralist, not just security:
    • Diplomacy, Money, and (yes, still) Military Force
      • International Monetary Structure
      • Economic Aid
      • Collective Security, Military Deterrence