1101 Home Objectives and Format <Back
POLS 1101 is a prerequisite to all POLS 3000/4000-level courses.
Outcomes: Students will analyze the complexity of human behavior as a function of the commonality and diversity within or between groups; analyze the interaction between culture and history or politics in the United States; and understand our system of constitutional government. Students will cover similar ground for Georgia.

This is a hybrid course which will meet part of the week, with online activities filling out the week. We will use D2L online (also known as eLearning), but I like to keep things simple. We will not use any “modules”, etc. Unless otherwise noted, all activity and communication will take place via the announcement and discussion sections. In class, we will engage in as much discussion as possible. To that end, you need to read the assignments before their due date. Be able to discuss and answer questions about them. The text lays out the basics (You may take advantage of the text’s web site at http://www.upnorthgeorgia.org/amergovt/, though it’s not required). We will start each new topic (usually each week) in class, discussing the appropriate text chapter. Then, online, we will debate class topics and follow related current events in Google News (https://news.google.com/news/section?&q=Politics) articles. You will lead these online activities. In groups, all of you will either present and lead a discussion of an article or debate a class topic1. The articles will be posted in the appropriate D2L discussion topics. Of course, you all are responsible for all class readings. There will also be audio, video and other materials (linked in D2L discussions)—they do not require prior preparation, but you are responsible for them. Most weeks, a written assignment will end the topic.
There are two ‘midterms’ and a final. Each is worth 20% (20 points) of your final grade. They consist of multiple choice and essay questions. I will not give makeups unless you 1) notify me or the department asap (do not wait until the next class!); and 2) verify a family/medical emergency or official school activity in writing. Note: I will not give any makeups after graded exams are handed back in class. Most weeks there is a written exercise. You will find them in the appropriate D2L discussion topics. Each is worth 5 points, but collectively, they are worth 20% (20 points) of your final grade (Your paper grades will be averaged and multiplied by 4). Do not turn in late papers! If I accept late papers (and I may not!), you will lose 1 point of your paper grade for each day late. Additional work (written work or presentations) may be offered (see FAQs, below) or required. Your presentation or debate is 10% (10 points) of your grade. Finally, your class participation and attendance are 10% (10 points) of your grade. Use the table below to keep track of your grades and calculate your course grade:

Exams Points / % Your Grade Written Exercises Points / % Your Grade Other Points / % Your Grade Grading
Exam #1 20 ________ Average of 10
papers (5 points each)
multiplied by four.
20 ________ Debate/Presentation 10 ________ 90+ = A
80 to 89 = B
70 to 79 = C
60 to 69 = D
Exam #2 20 ________ Participation*/Attendance 10 ________
Final 20 ________      
      *Includes online discussion     Grand Total: 100
Total: 60 ________ Total: 20 ________ Total: 20 ________ Your Total: _______
I do not grade on a curve (You earn what you earn…I hope you all earn “A”s!). A typical class average is about a mid- to upper- “C” (“C” is averagenot below average…“B” is above average). Just completing the requirements most likely earns a “C” (70-79). “B” (80-89) requires effort beyond just requirements. “A” (90-100) requires extraordinary performance.
Notes on “attendance”:
1. The UNG attendance policy (see the latest UNG Student Handbook, or Bulletin) applies to this course. While I will take attendance, I’m only interested in your general attendance. If you’re only absent once or twice, don’t worry. If you’re absent a lot (UNG does not recognize “cuts”), your grade will suffer (note also: late=absent!); and
2. Any in-class or D2L announcements are considered sufficient notice. So, attendance matters, and please check your email and D2L often.
[1]Your debate/presentations will be by video. You may use Teams or Zoom or record your own, but every group member must be visually present in the video. You will post a video link to the appropriate D2L discussion topic.
CHEAT = FAIL: Cheating/plagiarizing will result in a 0 for exams/assignments, a 0 for participation/attendance, and forfeiture of all extra credit. I may also pursue academic integrity charges and course failure. A.I. use is prohibited by the student code of conduct.
Students are bound by UNG's Integrity Code
I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize,
evade the truth or tolerate those that do
Plagiarism is a UNG academic intetrity
violation and will not be tolerated.
Additional Policies:
Last modified by Carl Cavalli on Tuesday, January 23, 2024