How to Use the Assignment Submission Tool

The Assignments tool allows you to create, manage, and publish assignment submissions.

The Assignments tool is divided into the following tabs:

The Inbox tab contains assignments that you have been assigned and submissions that have been returned to you for editing. The titles of submissions that you have not edited since they were assigned or returned to you are highlighted in bold. Missed assignments are automatically submitted and moved to the Submitted tab when the cutoff date for the assignment is missed.

The Submitted tab contains submissions that you have submitted, submissions that you have resubmitted, and assignments for which you have missed the cutoff date. If the assignment has been set to allow Students to take back submissions, you can take back submissions to which you want to make edits up until the due date.

The Graded tab contains all submissions that have been reviewed by the Section Instructor. The Graded tab contains graded assignments or assignments that are not gradable but that have been marked as complete.

The Published tab contains all submissions that you or the Section Instructor decide to publish to all members of the course. If the assignment has been set to allow Students to publish submissions, you can publish, republish, or unpublish submissions from the Inbox, Submitted, and Graded tabs.

You can create or edit submissions for all assignments on the Inbox tab. Submissions can be text with attachments or web pages, depending on how the assignment has been designed. If your assignment calls for text with attachments, you can enter the text in a text box and attach files from the File Manager tool. If your assignment is a web site assignment, you can upload your web site files in a zip file and use relative links in the HTML code to link multiple pages. All submissions, text with attachments or web site, can be viewed from the Submitted, Graded, or Completed tabs.

With the Assignments tool, you can:

Remember that you can use the HELP button in WebCT Vista at the top of your screen for additional information. I will receive notification that your assignment has been submitted as soon as you do so. I will grade it, then enter your grade in the WebCT gradebook. along with comments.

That's it!