French 1001, Fall 2015, Exam II prep
I. Dictée : Write the
following sentences in French as you
hear them.
Example: "C'est lundi
le quatorze mars."
II. Répondre : Answer
the following questions in French using complete
sentences wherever possible.
Example: "Quelle est
la date aujourd'hui?" Answer: "C'est lundi le quatorze mars."
III. A l'écoute: Here
you will do 1 or 2 exercises directly from or similar to those found in the lab
materials. If you've been working on
those, you're all set.
IV. Traduisez: Give the equivalent of the following in French..
French people (in general) like wine.
V. Structures: This will come from the grammar structures we have studied since the last test. Here are some possibilities - they might not all be on the test, but then again, they might.
Your little sister is commenting on everything that is going on in your
household. Using expressions with avoir,
complete her sentences.
Michel dit (says): «Dix et treize font trente-trois».
Il _________________________.
I: Your
grandmother is hard of hearing. When you describe your classmates to her, she
asks you questions to confirm what you’ve just said. Change the following
statements into “yes/no” questions,
using inversion or est-ce que, as indicated.
modèle: Denise
étudie la biologie. →
Denise étudie-t-elle la biologie?
Est-ce que Denise étudie la biologie?
C. Luc, Danielle, Françoise, and Christine are getting better acquainted and are discussing their plans for the day. Recreate their conversation by filling in the spaces with the correct form or contraction of the prepositions à or de.
· Luc: -Est-ce que tu prends _______ café? Etc.
D. Complete the paragraph with the appropriate forms of agir, choisir, finir, réfléchir, or réussir. Use each verb only once.
Ahmed et Amina ____________________ un lit pour leur appartement.
E. Questions II: You walk in the door and hear your roommate Antoine talking on the phone. He must be talking to his mother, because he seems to be answering a barrage of questions. Reconstruct his mother’s “information” questions based on the underlined phrases. You may choose either “est-ce que” or inversion for each question, but I must see both among your answers.
modèle: la question: ___________________________?
antoine: J’ai cinq cours.
F. Place the proper form of the adjectives in the correct position:
J'ai un ______________ami______________ (bon,
VI. Paroles: This means vocabulary, and it can come from any section - "Paroles," "Mots-clés," etc. For example: Sylvie is playing with her little niece. The niece imagines a situation and Sylvie must suggest an appropriate piece of clothing.
—J’ai froid!
—Voilà ____________________!
Or, make a list of furniture you currently have in your room, and another list of things that you need or would like to have there. Use indefinite articles.
VII. Lecture: You'll be given a short reading and answer some questions on its content. Don't worry; you won't have to understand every word to be able to do well.
VIII. Composition: From a context I will provide, you should be able to write a short composition.
NOTE: Usually only one of these last two sections appears on any one test.