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Practice Accounting Equation

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


The accounting equation can be expressed as Assets - Liabilities = Owners Equity.


If the liabilities owed by a business total $500,000, then the assets also total $500,000.


If the assets owned by a business total $100,000 and liabilities total $50,000, owners equity total $150,000.


If total assets decreased by $40,000 during a specific period and owners equity decreased by $45,000 during the same period, the period's change in total liabilities was a $85,000 increase.


If total assets increased by $175,000 during a specific period and liabilities decreased by $10,000 during the same period, the period's change in total owners equity was an increase of $185,000.



Determine the missing amount for each of the following:

Owners Equity
(a)   ?
(b) $50,000
(c) $35,000
$ 7,000

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